Sunday, 27 May 2007

First week of work...........

It's been a long, first week at work. The longest 5 days I have had for a long time (well, for 10 months at least since working from home). And with all the stuff happening, I foresee myself not having much time to blog except for weekends.

Everyday, we'll leave the house at 7.25am to catch the 7.40am express train the city. We will reach the city at 8.00am......take a walk to our building and soon, it will be time to start work at 8.30am. And unlike what most people think, Kirk and I seldom cross paths during the day although we are just one level away from each other. I finish work at 5.00pm but will stay on in the office to wait for Kirk, who finishes at 5.30pm. We'll catch the 5.50pm train home and reach home abt 6.20pm.

And according to our household agreement, Kirk will be doing most of the cooking now since I'll be very tied up with my emails everyday when I reach home. I'll be in front of the PC till 10 or 10.30pm at night every day. Sounds like hard work but the emails will mean extra cash for my parents back home.We also made a pact to cook a few dishes on Sundays and keep them in the fridge so that dinners on weekdays would be covered without us having to slave in the kitchen after coming home from work. Thank god I have an understanding partner.

But anyways, work hasn't been that bad after all. My trainer has been away on sick leave the whole week but I was lucky to get a chance to help one of colleagues to deal with incoming mails and faxes. The task gave me a chance to familiarise myself with the documentation that needs to be received, who is doing what, who sits where and etc.

Despite having to deal with tonnes of loan settlement requests each day, the people in the office are always positive and take everything in stride. One main thing I realise abt my new workplace is the difference in working culture. People leave the office on the dot at 5.00pm everyday and I am ALWAYS that last one to leave the office. Weird aye! And, overtime is also OPTIONAL and not forced on employees like alot of companies back home (AWESOME!).

Oh well, despite our busy schedule, we still have time to eat gooooood food. These are some of the stuff that we had this week...compliments of my dear hubby.

Lamb Chops and Beef Sausages

Tortellini Pollo (Spinach pasta with cheese filling cooked with basil, chicken and cream)

Honey Mustard Chicken and Stir-fried Broccoli

Chicken Tom Yum (We eat this alot!!!!! My favourite!)

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