Saturday, 14 July 2007

My days have become rather ROUTINED!!!!!

Yes...I have been missing in action. Been caught up in my own little world and almost forgetting on how to completely chill out.

Since I started work, life has been so routined. Wake up early in the morning, work from 8.30 to 5, get home, have dinner and continue with my Moto emails.

On Saturdays, we'll wake up early (as the body is so used to waking up early) and I will start doing 3 loads of laundry for the week. The first load is Kirk's work shirts, followed by home clothes and lastly, my work clothes which I handwash one by one. I'll be folding clothes and also ironing work clothes for both of us. Since I iron clothes for the whole week (yes, 5 days worth of work clothes for both of us), I'll be standing by the ironing board for a good 1 and a half hours. Thank god, Kirk drycleans his jacket and work pants! And, all these are done while Kirk sits in front of the tele playing his Xbox 360. BOYS!!! But, he's not that bad afterall cos he'll vacuum the floor and cook during the week. So the housework is shared pretty fairly.

As for Sundays, we'll either be at Northside Mkts in Nundah to purchase our vegies or Taigum to change Kirk's Xbox game & do grocery shopping at Woolies or Chermside to window shop and watch movies.

Life's getting a lil too slow for my liking. But that's really the way it is here!

Anyways, work has started to become alot more challenging. Coming to my 2nd month working at the bank. After years working at the Call Centre, where paperwork is usually at its minimum, I'm now working in an environment where paper cuts are so common. My desk which was previously empty is now filled to the brim with countless piles of files and security packets. Also, the amount of figures and legal docs that I handle everyday almost made me a lil cock-eyed. But dun get me wrong, I am truly loving the job and the people I work with EXCEPT when having to handle with OVERLY RUDE solicitors or customers and unhelpful people from this specific dept (which I dun wish to name). Grrrr, it can be really frustrating!!

Moving on! The weather hasn't been too kind lately. It has been so freaking cold for me. Lowest I've encountered was about 9 degrees. Walking to the train station is really a nightmare sumtimes.

Oh ya....wanna share with you sumthing which may sound a lil childish but cool (to me). I was walking to train station alone last Wednesday morning (cos Kirk left for work much earlier). And as I breathe, I thought I saw smoke in front of me. I continued a curious kid and realised that it was just my breath. Yes, I could see the air coming out of my mouth. It was really cold that day but I must say, the experience was soooooooooooooooooo freakin cool, seriously! Ok..'jakun'!

And as we speak, there is actually some problems with the water supply, AGAIN! We got back from lunch and shopping abt 5pm and realised that there's no water. Kirk called Brisbane Water and was told that a water pipe burst further down the road.

Sheesh!! This is the 3rd time the water pipe burst along this road since we started staying here. How ridiculous is that! But gotta live with it...for now! We are really keen to get our own place. SOON.......

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