Sunday, 1 April 2007


What the hell is wrong with you, woman??????

I have been nuthing but nice to you all this while. But without fail, you'll give me the cold shoulder especially when no one else is around. When we're together with the others, only will you attempt to talk to me....but that's prolly just a show.

Since we met a few years back, we've always had a close relationship. Like sisters! But since that very news came up in Dec/Jan, you try so damn hard to avoid me. You try so damn hard to sit far away from me. You try so damn hard to avoid having eye contact with me during gatherings. What the hell did I do to you? Was it because I tagged along during that all-important "meeting"?

Its weird that you actually treat him better than you treat me! Just today as I asked you a question, you claimed ignorance and 'disappeared' from MSN suddenly. This is not the first fact, this is already the third incident.

You know wat.........Sorry to bother you! Sorry that I even bothered to ask you! Sorry that I even care! Sorry that I wanna know if you're doing well during these tough days! Sorry that we're even related!


Anonymous said...

Who's being a cow?

Lady Demure said...

Well....that's just for me and THAT person to know.